Nuprl Lemma : fpf-empty-join 11,40

A:Type, B:(AType), f:fpf(Aa.B(a)), eq:EqDecider(A). fpf-join(eqf; fpf-empty) = f 

Definitionsx.A(x), <ab>, (x  l), {x:AB(x)} , f(a), x(s), x:AB(x), s = t, void, t  T, isect(Ax.B(x)), top, type List, x:AB(x), subtype(ST), [], append(asbs), fpf-ap(feqx), fpf-dom(eqxf), fpf-cap(feqxz), fpf-join(eqfg), fpf-empty, fpf(Aa.B(a)), x:A  B(x), Type, xt(x), EqDecider(T), False, P  Q, A, b, prop{i:l}, b, , deq-member(eqxL), P  Q, P  Q, Unit, left + right, , if b then t else f fi 
Lemmasifthenelse wf, it wf, unit wf, eqtt to assert, eqff to assert, iff transitivity, assert of bnot, not functionality wrt iff, assert-deq-member, deq-member wf, bool wf, bnot wf, not wf, assert wf, deq wf, fpf wf, l member wf, append-nil, top wf
